Reminders. *poke, poke*

A compilation of reminders that have been read, watched, and experienced.

1) “Life is gonna knock you down sometimes, and that’s ok. But what’s NOT ok is when you let life KEEP you down” (Victor Baxter 2005)

2) Borrowing Sayyed Hassan Al Banna’s “Letter to A Muslim Student” words:

In the delights of life and pleasures of the world, you will see that which inclines the heart, impresses the mind, attracts the eye and bewilders those whose spirits are weak. Do not let these seduce you away from virtue and cause you to forget the Hereafter:

“Do not turn your eyes covetously towards the embellishments of worldly life that We have bestowed upon various kinds of people to test them. But the clean provision bestowed upon you by your Lord is better and more enduring. Enjoin Prayer on your household, and do keep observing it. We do not ask you for any worldly provision; rather, it is We Who provide you. The ultimate end is for piety” (Ta Ha 20: 131-2).

Be aware my dearest brother that in the sight of Allah (swt) all these pleasures weigh not even the wing of a gnat and lead neither to honor nor virtue. They are nothing but the manifestations of whims and pitfalls of seduction. So be careful not to let Satan deceive you, otherwise you will plunge into the abyss of sin and corruption.

Always remember the words of Allah (swt): “Men are naturally tempted by the lure of women, children, treasures of gold and silver, horses of mark, cattle and plantations. These are the enjoyments in the life of this world; but with Allah lies a goodly abode to return to” (Al Imran 3:14). The Book of Allah recites these facts day and night. So do not be amongst those who favor the worldly life over the Hereafter, or amongst those deceived by the outward appearance of things without considering their essence.

All pleasures brought by contemporary civilization will result in nothing other than pain. A pain that will overwhelm their enticement and remove their sweetness. So avoid the worldly aspects of these people; do not let it take over your command and deceive you, if you are to be among the successors.

Although you are known to us to be one that is trustworthy and decent, I have mentioned this to you, to caution you against the downfalls of sins so that your feet may never slip. And in your chastity let there be content and in your dignity let there be adequacy.

As for casinos, night-clubs, and other such places of vanity, your time is far too precious to be wasted in them. I have looked into the saying, time is made of gold, and I do not approve of it. Time is far more precious than gold, for time is life. Is it not true that your life is nothing but a few hours and you never know when they will end? Dearest brother, be stringent with your time and do not spend it except in that which is significant, and acquire pleasure in that which is lawful.

Be critical, with insight, and be just and well acquainted with people. Do not let your goodness draw you to forget their bad, and their bad hurt you to forget their goodness. Rather study them as would a researcher and an examiner. Encompass with knowledge all of their affairs, and then with an eye of insight, scrutinize it all. Present back the good that you find to your people and nation, and return with it victorious and supported. Other than that, throw it back on them and do not come back until you have dusted off your hands and emptied your mind of it all.

Dearest brother, be aware that calling the people through practical example is far better than calling them through speech. It is far more fruitful and beneficial to use your commendable character, the perfection of yourself and your straight manner to defend and call them to your religion and nation. Whenever an opportunity arises for you to deliver a speech or a lecture at one of their meeting places or societies, prepare yourself for it. Choose that which will not stir disorder and that which will not offend integrity. Do not be apprehended by their stance, because Allah’s aid is with those who are sincere. Be positive and do not insult other people’s beliefs instead, elucidate to them their innate goodness and reveal to them our beliefs. By doing so, you will have adequately promoted awareness and incentive.

3) Credits to

Ego prevents people from seeing differences. So true. sometimes, when you try to do good, there will be people who tends to condemn what you’re trying to do. questioning every step that you’re doing. At times, it’s cronstucting, other times it’s plain DEMOTIVATING.

In the end, it all comes down to 2 things:

a) Your intention in the first place.
b) Who is the ultimate JUDGE. (people’s judgment can only go so far.)

Conclusion : See things through Allah’s lenses and not humans’. Never give up. Muslims have one weapon which noone else has: Du’a.

40:60. And your Lord says, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.” Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible.

4) A wise friend says endlessly :

Manusia mendengar dengan mata. (Humans listen through their eyes).

In other words :

Walk the talk.

5) “Reminds me a story of two people meeting in fajr time. One was returning from prayer while the other was returning from a night of shameful activities. Both of them look at each other, assuming that the other was spending the night as they themselves had. Makes you think, if we suspect ill of others, maybe because that very illness is within ourselves. The truly pious are the ones who see the best in everyone while they consider themselves the worst. because when you can see yourself the worst then you can’t feel superior over anyone.” (Baba Ali, 2007)

6) Patience is virtue.

7) Eat when hungry, stop before full! =p. So, that you won’t feel sleepy during terawikh. Adehh…

8) oh, and thank you very much to Anonymous who commented in here.

Anonymous said…

semoga istiqamah insyaALLAH
redha ALLAH yg lebih utama

It stuck. =)


p/s: 2 weeks gone in a snap. don’t waste it anymore.

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