Category Archives: Daily Scribbles

Scribble #13 – Gila!

I can’t sleep. I kept thinking about all the killing news of late.

I think day by day people are getting desensitised to their humanity. People are so self absorbed with only themselves to a point that they see other people as nothing more than walking fleshes than actual human beings with feelings and families.

I think screens primarily do that to us. We watch so much and got accustomed with all the gory and inappropriate things we see, eventhough we feel somewhat uncomfortable at first. (Guess what? That’s the fitrah Allah instilled in all of us. It’s human nature that we don’t like to see things that are naturally bad for us. But we watched them anyway until our hearts become so desensitised.)

If we hold ourselves to higher standards in life, we won’t be looking at guys and girls like they are just pieces of flesh for us to feast our eyes on. Nor talking about pornography like we’re discussing about football! And definitely won’t be killing people like we’re swatting flies away!

Seriously, gila!

Basic humanity calls for respect for others and their lives.  What more if you are a Muslim which calls for your sense of haya’.

Ya Allah, ease the sufferings of the victims’ families.

Ya Allah, protect us, our families and our communities. Make us people of purpose in life.

Scribble #11

This is probabbly the best week I’ve had since I moved to KL.

Ya Allah, I am penning this down so that I will remember how this week felt and to remind me just in case that I forget to always be grateful to You.









Walhamdulillah alaa kulli hal.

Scribble #10

Hari ni terasa macam serabut alam. Tiba-tiba terjumpa buku nota kecil bertajuk “Jiwa Yang Tenang (2)” . Rasanya saya beli masa di konvensyen; RM 1.

Moga Allah balas mereka yang terlibat menghasilkan nota kecil ini dengan sebaik-baik balasan.

Saya kongsikan di sini isi-isi nota tersebut.


“Ubahlah kekalahan menjadi kemenangan dengan bersikap lapang dada, mengakui, memuji dan menghormati kemenangan orang lain”

“Kejayaan yang diraih seseorang tanpa ditunjang oleh ibadah bagaikan bangunan yang didirikan tanpa asa (foundation)”

“Keinginan untuk dilihat sebagai hebat sebenarnya akan mengsengsarakan kita”

“Nikmatilah hidup merdeka, tidak diperhambakan oleh keinginan dipuji, dihormati atau dilayan istimewa, sebab menjadi orang yang biasa itu sebenarnya nikmat! =) ”

“Apabila kita bergantung kepada manusia, kita akan takut kehilangan pergantungan kita.”

“Cukuplah Allah menjadi sandaran kita kerana Dia tidak akan mengecewakan sesiapa pun yang bergantung kepadaNya.”

“Berani hidup harus berani hadapi masalah. Jangan takut dan gentar dengan masalah yang menghalang.”

“Hadapi dengan benar dan tawakkal, kerana setiap masalah sudah diukur Allah bersesuaian dengan kemampuan kita.”

“Raihlah kemenangan dengan kemenangan sejati, iaitu bersikap rendah hati dan tetap menghormati pihak yang kalah.”

“Beruntungnya kita bukan perkara menang atau kalah, juga bukan isu mendapatkan atau tidak.”

“Beruntungnya kita jika kita berjaya berubah menjadi lebih baik dalam situasi apa pun.”

“Jangan kita lakukan sesuatu semata-mata kerana ‘ingin’ sebab ‘ingin’ tidak pernah ada habisnya. Juga jangan kerana ‘suka’ sebab ‘suka’ mudah berubah.”

“Berubahlah kerana ‘perlu’ sebab ‘perlu’ mengundang banyak manfaat.”

“Sesungguhnya hidup ini adalah ujian yang tiada hentinya.”

“Seberat-berat ujian adalah kelapangan, kemuduhan, pujian dan hal-hal yang membuat kita lalai dan lupa kepada Allah.”

“Kejayaan sebenar adalah lulus ujian dengan markah terbaik mengikut piawaian (standard)  dan penilaian Allah SWT.”

Saudaraku, tabah dan sabarlah berjuang di sekolah kehidupan…
Sesungguhnya di sana, ada rehat yang panjang dan kekal…



Scribble #8

Went on a drive down memory lane yesterday to Shah Alam’s Seksyen 17 & 18 after class.

INTEC life was the life i have once sworn to forget.
But then again, forgetting your past means forgetting a part of yourself.
And forgetting a part of yourself shows arrogance to what Allah has perfectly planned for you.

It is good to remember how you used to be so you may become thankful to Allah on what you have become.
If you have been struggling to become a better abid to Allah and a person that is.

wakuntum ala shafa hufratim minannari faanqazakum minha
And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He (Allah) saved you from it

Memories of the past should humble you before Allah.
Memories of the past should teach you to be patient and forgiving in dealing with others.
Memories of the past should make you realise that Allah holds your heart no other can.
Memories of the past shows change can happen if you want it and Allah will make it easy upon you.

And Memories of the past has indeed proven the ayah ‘Layukallifullahu nafsan illa wusaha’ Allah does not burden you more than you can bear’ since you have made it this far. In this, you will find courage and strength on what is to come for as long as you do it for His sake.

Indeed, He is the best planner.

May Allah guide our steps ahead. Ameen.

p/s: was at KIBAR Shah Alam yesterday also. Subhanallah, learning Arabic is the best!

Scribble #7

Lessons learnt:

Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that does not make you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who do you choose to be.

Inner peace.


Tarbiyyah dari Allah setiap hari.

Fabiayyiala irabbikuma tukazziban?
Maka nikmat Tuhan yang manakah kamu dustakan?

Scribble #6

Meeting akhawat is therapeutic. Meeting akhawat before iftar is doubly therapeutic. To cook with them for the sake of Allah is unbelievably therapeutic.


Now back to assignments.

Infiruu khifafan wa tsiqalan! March forward, light or heavy!

Scribble #5

What a day. 🙂

Spent time with officemates’ children during majlis doa selamat for 3 hours.
Subhanallah, what  joy and calm they bring to your heart!

It’s Jumuah. Suratul Kahfi lets!
Usrah is tomorrow as well.

How wonderful what Allah has in His plan, before tough days at uni.

Scribble #4

Of iblis arrogance.

When Allah SWT created Prophet Adam AS, Allah SWT asked iblis to prostrate before Adam AS.

Iblis arrogantly refused saying,
ana khayrumminhu, khalaqtani min narin, wa khalaqtahu min tinin,
I am better than him (Adam AS), You created me from fire and him You created from clay.

And Iblis was then banished from heaven and promised to lead other children of Adam AS astray until the day of judgement.

Iblis has no problem in worshiping Allah.

Imprinted in the Quran is him saying:
inni barii umminka, inni akhafullaha rabbal alamin
Indeed, I dissassociated from you, indeed, i fear Allah, rabbal alamin.
after he has lead a son of Adam AS astray.


Moral: Please do not repeat Iblis mistake to other children of Adam AS. Modern day arrogance can include:

a) I studied overseas, you studied local
b) I can speak well, you stutter
c) I can do this, you don’t
d) I own this, you don’t own anything
e) How come his idea was heard and not mine?
f) How was he chosen instead of me?
g) and it goes on to any range of thoughts.

Let’s keep our hearts check at all times. Arrogance can affect anyone, even with people who attends weekly halaqah/usrah. Renew our niat at all times. Always look at others with mercy. Fear Allah SWT.

May Allah SWT protect us from the evil whispers of iblis.